Nice to meet you.

I’m Hannah.

I am a yoga teacher, qualified financial advisor, traveller, and very decisive human being who has, on more than one occasion, packed up her entire life and moved to a different country with just a few days' notice. 

I like living slowly, reading books, and having new experiences.

This year ahead is going to be all about road trips hiking and exploring my new country and love affair, Portugal.

You might assume that doing this work means obsessed with money. I’m not.

We live in a world where money is essential to us not only surviving but also thriving so I think it’s worth spending some time getting clear and intentional in how you’re using it.

I love being able to share financial education with people who can benefit from it and hearing friends and clients tell me about their investment accounts and decisions around money they’re making that are changing their lives.

For me, money is the key to having options, following dreams, and having the time I need to do so. It can absolutely do the same for you.

I’m committed to helping you learn to build wealth ethically and passively.

I wasn’t always comfortable around money

I didn’t realise it at the time, but the internal dialogue I’d built around wealth was running the show…

“Money will always be a struggle.”

“Investing is risky, savings are safe.”

“You work a 9-5 until you retire, if you’re lucky enough to still be here…”

“You can’t earn money without trading it for time.”

“Wealth is for other people, not me.”

“I don’t need much money, so it’s okay.”

“It’s not safe to spend money. Hold onto it.”

“You’re going to run out.”

“You can’t afford that.”

Sound familiar?


I had no idea where to start, and it felt easier to just ignore it.


At the age of 22, I lost my dad and inherited money. This event made me confront two of the biggest taboos that no one ever teaches–death and money. I started to uncover and learn about life and death, delving into yogic philosophy, questioning why I was here and what was really important in life… but the money topic still felt too big, so it went unconfronted.


My mindset shift

Even after inheriting money, I avoided it for ages.

I thought investing was like gambling and I had no idea how to navigate and manage financial resources, and I had no one around me in a similar position. I had never prioritised earning money (hello fashion career). To me, happiness was the most important thing. I didn’t realise that it doesn’t have to be an either/or situation. You can have both.

So, what shifted? Being aware of what was really going on in my subconscious surrounding money and then pairing that with financial education was literally life changing. In line with my “all in” energy, I dove headfirst into learning how to invest, diversify, and grow my money.

my purpose

The knowledge I know have around investing and managing my money means I am able to live the life of my dreams.

I co-founded a sustainable loungewear brand, rho organic and moved to Lisbon. I’ve invested in properties, travelled as a digital nomad, and taught yoga.

It’s my turn to pass on my knowledge so that you can get some of the benefits old white guys have been enjoying for decades.

I believe that putting money into the hands of thoughtful humans will change the world so I’m very happy you are here.

money is learnable

I know that the conversation surrounding money, investment, and wealth can feel confusing, complicated, and purposefully exclusive.

But I firmly believe that finance can be learned, and taught. We don't come from the womb knowing what an ISA is babes! That's why I'm here.

Even if you’ve never learnt anything about investing before, feel like numbers aren’t for you, and have been known to avoid checking your bank balance at all costs this really can be for you too.

my work


I help people change they way they think, feel and behave with money

I am opening up the conversation and sharing information about investing and wealth in a safe, sustainable, and simple way. So that you can create more freedom and options for yourself, all while benefiting financially. Making money is great, but using money as an asset for crafting the life that you want to live is even better.